Scheduling Information and Graduation Requirements
Subject Area |
Mastery Credits |
Pathway Credits |
Total Credits |
2 (Communications and Literature I & II) |
2 |
4 |
Mathematics |
1 (Algebra I) |
3 |
Science |
1 (Biology) |
2 |
3 |
Social Studies |
1 (Government Studies) |
3 |
Financial Literacy |
.5 (Personal Finance) |
.5 |
Health |
.5 |
.5 |
Physical Education |
.5 |
.5 |
Technology Literacy |
.5 |
.5 |
Humanities: (Foreign Language; Visual/Performing Arts; Family Consumer Sciences) |
1 |
Personalized Learning |
11 |
11 |
Career Ready Portfolio |
1 |
1 |
Total |
28 |
In support of student development goals set forth in the comprehensive plan and the requirements set by the Pennsylvania Department of Education and Act 158, students must complete a minimum of twenty-eight (28) credits and all other state and local requirements in order to graduate from high school in the District.
ACT 158 and High School Graduation Requirements
Act 158 of 2018 (Act 158) was signed into law by Governor Tom Wolf on October 24, 2018. Beginning with the class of 2023, students are provided with alternate pathways for satisfying statewide graduation requirements other than achieving proficiency on the three Keystone Exams (Algebra I, Literature, and Biology). Although students may now satisfy the state graduation requirements through other means, they must still take the Keystone Exams for the purpose of federal accountability.
The following options now exist in order for students to satisfy state graduation requirements:
KEYSTONE PROFICIENCY PATHWAY: A student scores either Proficient or Advanced on each of the Keystone Exams (Algebra I, Literature, Biology).
KEYSTONE COMPOSITE PATHWAY: A student scores either Proficient or Advanced on at least one of the three Keystone Exams, and the student does not score Below Basic on any of the three Keystone Exams. The composite score of the student's three Keystone Exams is 4452 or greater.
ALTERNATE ASSESSMENT PATHWAY: Successful completion of local grade-based requirements for Keystone content in which the student is less than Proficient and one of the following:
- Attainment of an established score or level on any of the following: ACT, ASVAB AFQT, PSAT/NMSQT, SAT, ACT WorkKeys, AP Exam related to each content area in which the student is less than Proficient, IB Exam related to each content area in which the student is less than Proficient
- Successful completion of a concurrent course related to each Keystone content area in which the student is less than Proficient
- Successful completion of a pre-apprenticeship program
- Acceptance into a 4-year Institution of Higher Education for college-level coursework
EVIDENCE BASED PATHWAY: Successful completion of local grade-based requirements for Keystone content in which the student is less than Proficient and three total pieces of evidence from the following two lists:
List 1 (One or more pieces of evidence must come from this list):
- Attainment of 630 or better on any SAT Subject Test
- Attainment of Silver Level or better on ACT WorkKeys
- Attainment of 3 or better on any AP or IB Exam
- Successful completion of any concurrent or postsecondary course
- Industry-recognized credentialization
- Acceptance into an other-than-4yr Institution of Higher Education (IHE) for college-level coursework
List 2 (No more than two pieces of evidence may come from this list):
- Attainment of Proficient or Advanced on any Keystone Exam
- Successful completion of a service-learning project
- Letter guaranteeing full-time employment or military enlistment
- Completion of an internship, externship, or cooperative education program
- Compliance with NCAA Division II academic requirements
CAREER AND TECHNICAL EDUCATION PATHWAY: Successful completion of local grade-based requirements for Keystone content in which the student is less than Proficient and one piece of evidence from the following list:
- Industry-based competency certification
- Likelihood of industry-based competency assessment success
- Readiness for continued engagement in Career and Technical Education (CTE) Concentrator program of study
- The Board may authorize different diploma programs. In addition, the Board may award a diploma to a student posthumously indicating graduation with the class with which the student was expected to graduate.
- Any student achieving mastery of a progression or satisfactory completion of a course listed in the Ligonier Valley High School Course of Study/ Course Description will earn credit towards graduation.
- An approved planned course of study will be required for any Independent Study course. The course of study will include course requirements, objectives and standards to be addressed, length of course, activities, and assessment procedures. A certificated teacher will supervise the course.
- Enrollment in an independent study course must be approved in advance by a committee comprised of the principal, the central office administrator in charge of curriculum, and the guidance counselor.
- To qualify for the independent study option the student must be enrolled as a full-time student attending grades 9, 10, 11, or 12 in a school of the Ligonier Valley School District.
- To receive credit, the student must meet the course requirements. Determination of successful completion of the course will be made by the teacher with concurrence of the principal.
- Any exceptions to the above guidelines must be approved in advance by a committee comprised of the principal, the central office administrator in charge of curriculum, and the guidance counselor.
- Students must obtain prior approval of the building principal. The request must include the name of the course to be taken, a general descriptions of the course, the length of the course, the name of the institution providing the course, and credit to be awarded at completion.
- Any costs for such courses will be borne by the student or his/her parents or guardians.
- Educational experience must be separate and apart from any credit received by a student for a course completed in the district school.
- Courses which duplicate district curriculum offerings will not be approved unless
- the student cannot be scheduled into the course at the district school or
- the student wishes to take the course in order to make room in his/her schedule for other courses required for graduation or pursuant to his/her personalized learning plan.
- The principal will make the final determination as to the successful completion of other educational experience and credit awarded upon receipt on an official signed transcript for the institution providing the course. In the case of on-line coursework, the student must receive a passing grade in both the coursework and the course’s final assessment, which must be taken in the school in a supervised setting.
- While credit may be awarded, courses will not be included in class rank calculations.
- if the course(s) cannot be scheduled at the district school or
- if the student wishes to take the course in order to make room in his/her schedule for other courses required for graduation or pursuant to his/her course of study.
Students may receive credit toward graduation for either a required or an elective course through successful completion of an assessment or examination on the content of the course.
- The student must attain a minimum of a B grade on the assessment to be exempted from taking the course. If the student attains a B on the assessment, that grade will be awarded as the grade for the course and used for purposes of class rank. The course credit will be awarded for courses from which a student is exempted through assessment. If the course is weighted, the student will receive the weighted credit.
- The assessment will be comprehensive of the course’s content, will be developed by a teacher or teachers of the course, and will be administered by an appropriate faculty member or administrator. An approved standardized achievement test consistent with the curriculum of the course may be used in place of a teacher-made test.
- A student may request to be exempted from taking a course only if he/she replaces the course with another course or approved educational experience consistent with school district policy, not for a study hall.
- Requests for exemption by assessment must be made in writing to the Guidance Office in advance of taking the course and must be approved by the principal.
- Advanced placement courses offered must meet the guidelines of the Advanced Placement Program of the College Board.
- College level and advanced placement courses shall be approved by the board of school directors as secondary school course offerings as recorded in the official minutes of the school district.
- All College in High School/ Dual Enrollment courses will be recognized as honors’ courses.
- Advanced Placement courses will be weighted grades, in accord with the district’s grading policy.
- Students who choose to enter college on a full-time basis upon completing grade 11 and who request a diploma from the school district must successfully complete the course work necessary to meet district graduation requirements.
- The principal must approve the request of the student to apply for early admission to a college or university.
- A three (3) college credit course will be considered to be the equivalent of one (1) high school credit.
- Exceptions to the above guidelines must be approved in advance by a committee comprised of the principal, district level administrator in charge of curriculum, guidance counselor, and representatives of the instructional staff.
- Students who have achieved junior standing (completion of required credits) and who are enrolled in a regionally accredited college or university may, with prior approval of the principal, be awarded planned course credit for college courses, including on-line college courses, after meeting the following requirements:
- Eligibility - The following criteria will be considered in determining the eligibility for endorsement of the student to attend college on a full-time or dual-enrollment basis:
- Recommendation of a committee comprised of the principal, district level administrator in charge of curriculum, guidance counselor, and representatives of the instructional staff.
- The course is taught at the higher educational level and satisfies the requirements of the student's planned course of study as required or as an elective course.
- The student satisfactorily completes the requirements for the college course or passes the College Advanced Placement Examination in this subject.
- The higher education institution admitting the student accepts the college credits as fulfilling some portion of the requirement for the associate or bachelor’s degree.
- The student submits an official transcript to the principal indication successful completion of the course at a grade of D or higher.
- Requests for students classified as “gifted” will be reviewed by the student's I.E.P. team. Criteria stated in 2.a. will be considered.
- A three (3) college credit course will be considered to be the equivalent of one (1) high school credit.