District Report Card/School Performance Profile
In past years, the Pennsylvania Department of Education provided an Average Yearly Progress (AYP) score to help schools determine academic growth. In 2013-14, this was replaced by the School Performance Profile (SPP) as the state's accountability system.
The SPP includes district and school demographic data as well as the academic performance score. The building level academic score is the state accountability measure. The calculation is comprised of a variety of factors.
1. Indicators of Academic Achievement (40%)
2. Closing the Achievement Gap (5%)
3. Closing the Achievement Gap - Historically Underperforming Learners (5%)
4. Indicators of Academic Growth - PVAAS (40%)
5. Other Academic Indicators (10%)
6. Extra Credit for Advanced Achievement (up to 7 percentage points)
Please click on the link below to access the SPP.