E-SAP is the Elementary Student Assistance Program. If one of our students is having behavioral difficulties in school, they may be referred to the SAP team. The team has a mental health liaison on board. If you, as the parent, permit it in writing, the liaison will interview your child. The liaison will then call you with their recommendations. This service has helped many students in our school along with the school based mental health provided by Excela Health, and ESS (Effective School Solutions).
Through this program, school staff, students, and parents/guardians are able to identify and refer students to appropriate programs that deal with issues related to alcohol, drugs, or social/emotional health. It is important to note that SAP is not a treatment program but an intervention program. Information is kept confidential unless the health or well-being of the child is at risk. Members of the SAP team include: Mrs. Carns (SAP Coordinator), Mr. Theys, Mrs. Anderson, Mrs. Lear and the school nurse. Parents or teachers can contact Mrs. Carns at 724-235-2723 to make a referral or to get additional information.