Throughout the school year, our students participate in a variety of extended learning opportunities. Below is a list of the opportunities in the elementary schools.
Proactive Character Development Activities
- ROX (Ruling Our Experiences)
- Operation Boy Code
- Monthly Guidance Lessons
- Small Group Guidance lessons
- St. Vincent Prevention Projects
- Cyber bullying & Online Safety Lessons
- Girls on the Run
- Transition to Middle School Activities
- 7 Habits of Happy Kids
- Blackburn Center Presentations: Violence Prevention & Safety Awareness
- 1:1 Mentoring
- Monthly Growth Mindset Lessons
Extended Learning Activities and Partnerships
- Carnegie Science Center
- Excella Health Fair
- Fort Ligonier
- Hollow Tree Players
- Johnstown Heritage Discovery Center
- Loyalhanna Watershed
- New Florence Senior Center
- Pittsburgh Zoo
- PNC Park, Pittsburgh
- Carnegie Science Center (STEAM)
- Jump Rope for Heart
- Food2Go Program Penny War
- Grandparent's Day
- Junior Achievement
- Ligonier Valley High School
- Cultural Experiences-French and Spanish Classes
- Polar Express-Interact Club
- Ligonier Valley Middle School
- Bird Boxes, Trout Stocking, Planting Gardens, Insect Program - Outdoor Club/PA Game Commission
- Peer Tutoring - Student Council
- Ligonier Valley YMCA (Learn to Swim)
- Markosky Engineering Reading
- New Florence Senior Center- Craft Activity
- Reading
- Books With Buddies
- Catch the Reading Bug/Wave
- Cozy Up with a Good Book
- Parent literacy Club (Parents)
- Author Visit
- Soccer Shots
- Somerset Trust Bank
- United Way
- Veteran's Day Program
- Westmoreland Cleanways and Recycling
- Westmoreland Private Industry Council